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Franz Ecker

Franz Ecker

Dr. rer. nat. Franz Ecker

SmartGridsBW Projekt-Management GmbH
Christophstraße 6
DE-70178 Stuttgart
Phone: +49 (0)711 400 600 60

Research project

Smart use of renewable energy systems: Psychological barriers and how they may be overcome

The German Government has set a national move towards decentralized energy production via renewable sources. It is assumed that German homeowners will play an essential part in fulfilling this ambitious goal. Previous studies on photovoltaic systems (PV) showed that the aspiration of autarky is a strong predictor of homeowners’ attitude towards PV, which in turn affects their purchase intentions.

We expect that consumers’ pursuit of energy-autarky and self-sufficiency influence their investment decisions. Findings on the impact of energy-autarky and self-sufficiency may provide valuable implications for the design of energy management and storage technologies. Especially, systems allowing individuals to produce and manage their own energy might match with homeowners’ pursuit of autarky and self-sufficiency. Research will be focused on how these decentralized energy systems are being perceived in terms of advantages and disadvantages.

The project is funded through the Federal State Postgraduate Scholarships Act (Landesgraduiertenförderungsgesetz – LGFG) within the cooperative graduate school “Decentralized sustainable energy systems” (abbr. DENE).

Curriculum Vitae

Born in Freiburg, Germany, 1985

Practical and scientific experience

08/2018 - Today

SmartGridsBW Projekt-Management GmbH Stuttgart

Senior reseatcher and deputy project manager

2014 - 2018
University of Freiburg, Department of Psychology

PhD Student, DENE Promotionskolleg

Global TraPs Project (Transdisciplinary Processes for Sustainable Phosphorus Management),

Member of the Knowledge Integration Unit Support Team

2012 - 2014
University of Oldenburg, Chair of Ecological Economics

Research Assistant

2010 - 2011
8th European Colloqium of Constance: Green Economy in Europe - Illusion or Reality?

Initiator and organizer of the conference

German Advisory Council on the Environment (SRU), Berlin

Member of the scientific staff


2011 - 2014
University of Oldenburg

Sustainability Economics & Management, M.A.

2007 - 2011
University of Constance
Political and Administrative Sciences, B.A.


  • Ecker, F., Spada, H. & Hahnel. U.J.J. (2018). Independence without
    control: Autarky outperforms autonomy benefits in the adoption of
    private energy storage systems. Energy Policy, 214-228.
  • Ecker, F., Hahnel, U.J.J. & Spada, H. (2017). Promoting decentralized
    sustainable energy systems in different supply scenarios: the role of
    autarky aspiration. Frontiers in Energy Research, 5:14.
  • Ecker, F. (2018). Akzeptanz dezentraler nachhaltiger Energiesysteme:
    Psychologische Untersuchungen des individuellen Autarkiestrebens.
    Dissertation. Institut für Psychologie.
  • Siebenhüner, B., Rodela, R., & Ecker, F. (2016). Social learning research in ecological economics: A survey. Environmental Sciences & Policy, 55, 1, 116-126. doi: 10.1016/j.envsci.2015.09.010
  • Ecker, F., Hahnel, U.J.J., & Spada, H. (2015). Willingness to pay for renewable energy: the role of perceived autarky. Presentation at the 11th Biennial Conference on Environmental Psychology. 24.-26. August 2015, Groningen, Netherlands.
  • Ecker, M. & Ecker, F. (2014). Genügsam leben: Überlegungen zur Suffizienz im rechtlichen Kontext. In Ewer, W.; Ramsauer, U.; Reese, M.; Rubel, R. (Hrsg.). Methodik – Ordnung – Umwelt. Festschrift für Hans-Joachim Koch aus Anlass seines siebzigsten Geburtstages. Duncker & Humblot, Berlin. S. 637 – 647.
  • Hertin, J.; Hey, C.; Ecker, F. (2010): The Future of European Electricity Supply: Moving from Energy-Mix Projections to Renewable-Based Scenarios. In Renewable Energy Law and Policy Review 2/2010, pp. 131-139.


by Florian Opitz last modified Sep 28, 2018 03:40 PM
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